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The Impact of Driving Range Mats on Your Golf Game

Many golfers find that using driving range mats can negatively affect their game, particularly when transitioning back to grass. The artificial surface of a mat can lead to inconsistent contact, resulting in a higher percentage of fat or thin shots. This can also create difficulties in judging distance and club selection. 

The Impact of Driving Range Mats on Your Golf Game
One of the primary concerns with using mats is the potential for damage to your clubs. The abrasive surface of the mat can cause green stains, melting, and even bending of the shafts, especially with prolonged use. The consistent, hard surface of the mat can also lead to injuries, such as tennis elbow or carpal tunnel.
Despite these downsides, there are some advantages to using driving range mats. Mats provide a consistent lie, allowing you to focus on swing mechanics and see the effects of adjustments. They also offer a clean and efficient practice environment, eliminating the need for divot repair and club cleaning. 
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use driving range mats is a personal one. If you have access to a high-quality grass range, it might be preferable to practice there. However, if a grass range is unavailable, or if you prefer the consistency of mats, be sure to take steps to mitigate the potential downsides. 

Tips for minimizing the negative effects of driving range mats:

Despite their advantages, electric golf scooters face some challenges:
  • Course Regulations:  Many golf courses have strict rules regarding the types of vehicles allowed on the course. Some may have concerns about the impact of scooters on the turf or the pace of play.
  • Safety Concerns: While generally safe, there are potential safety risks if scooters are not used responsibly.
  • Cost: Electric golf scooters can be expensive, often more so than traditional golf carts.

Choosing the Right Golf Scooter

With the growing interest in electric golf scooters, it’s important to consider the factors that will help you choose the right one for your needs:

  • Pour water on the mat: This will help prevent the plastic from melting onto your club and provide a smoother surface.
  • Clean your clubs regularly: Regularly cleaning your clubs will remove green stains and any melted plastic, helping to preserve their condition.
  • Use a mat brush: A mat brush will help remove any residual plastic from your clubs and prevent it from building up.
  • Be aware of your swing mechanics:
    Pay close attention to your swing path and impact location to avoid hitting the mat.


By understanding the potential benefits and drawbacks of driving range mats and taking steps to mitigate the negative effects, you can make informed decisions about your practice routine and ultimately improve your golf game. 

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