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Golf Etiquette: The Dos and Don’ts of the Green

Golf is a game of skill, strategy, and, perhaps most importantly, etiquette. While hitting the perfect shot is the ultimate goal, it’s essential to remember that the course is a shared space. A few inconsiderate actions can ruin the experience for everyone else. 

Golf Etiquette

Respecting Pace of Play

Maintaining a reasonable pace is crucial.  While casual rounds are less stringent, nobody should be taking 5-6 hours to play 18 holes.  Slow play is a major source of frustration for golfers, and there are several ways to ensure you’re not part of the problem: 

  • Play Ready Golf:  Be prepared to hit your shot as soon as it’s your turn, minimizing delays.
  • Efficient Cart Use: If you’re using a cart, drop off one player at their ball while the other grabs clubs and prepares for their shot. This maximizes efficiency.
  • Don’t Overlook Lost Balls: If a ball is lost, don’t spend excessive time searching. Take a drop and move on.
  • Be Mindful of Others: Let faster groups play through if possible, and avoid lingering on the green after putting.

Respecting the Course

The golf course is a beautiful and carefully maintained environment. Show your appreciation by following these guidelines: 

  • Repair Pitch Marks and Divots:  It’s not just a courtesy; it’s crucial for maintaining the green.  Take pride in leaving a perfect surface for your fellow golfers.
  • Rake Bunkers: After leaving a bunker, rake the sand. Not only is it proper etiquette, but it helps everyone else have a fair shot. 
  • Don’t Litter: Leave the course as you found it. Dispose of trash properly, and avoid leaving cigarette butts or sunflower seed shells.

Respecting Your Playing Partners

Golf is a social game, but even the most enjoyable rounds can be ruined by inconsiderate behavior. 

  • Be a Good Sport:  Avoid negativity and frustration.  A positive attitude makes the game more enjoyable for everyone.
  • Don’t Offer Unsolicited Advice: Unless your playing partner asks for it, refrain from providing swing tips. 
  • Be Mindful of Conversation: Keep conversations brief and avoid talking during someone’s pre-shot routine.


Golf etiquette is about respecting the game, the course, and your fellow players.  By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure an enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone.  Remember, golf should be a game of skill, strategy, and camaraderie—not a source of stress and frustration. 

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